Our community of 17, newly built homes have some of the best facilities and equipment in the country. We take great pride in the homes we provide for the children and young people at our school and college who need this support.

As part of our educational and residential care at Seashell, there is a lot to think about. Seashell Trust has a fully trained professional care team to provide day-to-day support within our fantastic homes and schools. The wellbeing of the children is our number one priority, and all of our professionals are highly qualified and well equipped to deal with all types of care.

Below are some of the benefits we deliver as part of our educational and residential care, supporting people with learning disabilities. Learn more about our educational and residential care and how we can support you.

Flexible respite care for children

Seashell provides weekly and termly boarding as well as 52-week placements. Our educational and residential care provision for students with SEND is highly flexible, and we offer bespoke packages tailored to each child or young person. 24-hour waking care is provided where needed.


Thoughtfully designed

All of the houses accommodate a maximum of four children or young people per house and have been thoughtfully designed to offer a highly personalised and specialist environment. Our properties are fully adapted to provide the best educational and residential care for children and young adults with SEND.

Some of our houses offer a sensory room, providing a calming and relaxing environment and offering stimulation and enhanced learning through play.

Our young people live as part of a community, and we take care to ensure that each child or young person is placed with an appropriate peer group, so social and emotional skills build and friendships develop.


Personalised respite care services

Bespoke respite care packages are tailored to each individual child or young person and outlined within a personalised care plan. Each child and young person has their own en-suite bedroom, which we work together to decorate and personalise, and residents share their communal living with others of their own age and interests.


Maximising learning and development

Children and young people experience a safe, supportive and caring living space, enabling personal growth and development. Providing wrap-around residential care helps to maximise learning and development potential, as the same specialist teams work with each child in their home, taking a consistent, cohesive approach to achieving their personal goals.


Promoting independence

As part of our respite care service, we encourage all children and young people to be as independent as possible when using our respite care services. We support the development of independent or semi-independent living skills wherever possible. Children and young people are encouraged to exercise choice and control by, for example, choosing what they would like to eat for their evening meal or deciding which recreational activities they wish to take part in.


Recreational activities

All children and young people placed with us have the opportunity to access a full range of recreational activities, including arts and crafts, music, cooking, fabulous facilities for swimming, cycling, trampolining, outside gym, play area and fully inclusive indoor fitness suite.

Our highly trained staff will be on-hand at all times and also accompany children and young people off-site to visit local shops, the cinema, restaurants and other cultural and recreational venues. There is no better choice than the Seashell when it comes to educational and residential care.


The kind of care and dedication to the quality of care within Seashell is priceless and makes the quality of James and his family’s life infinitely higher than it would otherwise be


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