It is with great delight that we share the news that following its most recent Ofsted inspection, Royal School Manchester continues to be rated as an outstanding school!
Royal School Manchester aims to provide high quality, person centred education to children and young adults with complex needs and disabilities. The report following the Ofsted inspection states that it is an “exciting and inspiring place to learn, where students flourish from the moment they join the school.”
“I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome of this inspection. It reflects the commitment and hard work of the whole team, who are extremely proud of the work they do to support the children and young adults in our school. We see students with the most complex needs thrive in our surroundings, so to have our exceptional level of service recognised in this way is wonderful.”
Emma Houldcroft, Head of Royal School Manchester
Excerpts from the Inspection Report
What is it like to attend this school?
Each day, students are greeted with a warm smile and a friendly face. They benefit from strong, caring relationships with staff who know them extremely well.
Leaders have the highest expectations of what students can achieve in their learning and behaviour.
The school curriculum
The school’s curriculum places no ceiling on student’s success. It prepares students, all of whom have complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) exceptionally well for their next steps in education and adult life.
The strategies in students education, health and care (EHC) plans are seamlessly interwoven into all aspects of the curriculum.
The students
All students behave exceptionally well. This is because staff are highly attuned to their feelings and anxieties and are successful in minimising them. Staff skilfully help students learn to regulate their behaviour and manage their emotions. All staff recognise that negative behaviour is a form of communication, and students benefit from staff’s highly effective strategies to support their behaviour needs.
Students benefit from an impressive range of activities to promote their wider personal development.
The staff
Teachers are experts at using the information that they have about each student to break down learning into manageable steps, and are highly attuned to how calm or anxious students are in lessons. They expertly use this knowledge to maximise moments of engagement or to give students a break from learning.